15 Ways To Increase Etsy Sales

So you want to become an Etsy seller? Or maybe you recently launched into an Etsy store, but you aren’t getting the sales and traffic that you want to generate. Don’t panic! Selling online is a science, and I can help you demystify some of the equations and increase Etsy sales.

I’ve had an Etsy shop for years, but for the first two or three years of running my shop, I had very few sales. In fact, I considered closing it down altogether. But then I did some research and implemented some tips, tricks, and techniques that really boosted sales. I started turning a nice profit in my shop, which was the goal all along. Interested in knowing what I did?

Here are 15 quick and easy ways to improve your Etsy store to attract traffic and sales and convert at a higher rate.

1. Add a Banner

Visit the best-selling sites on Etsy and you will find they all have one thing in common…a terrific banner. A banner is the horizontal image that stretches across the top of your computer screen when you first load a webpage. Etsy gives sellers the option to customize their store by uploading a banner that showcases their products or displays their branding. The banner is literally a person’s introduction to your Etsy store, so choose something inviting that fits with the personality of your products and familiarizes people with what they will find in your store.

You could take artsy closeup pictures of your products, or buy stock photography that fits with your store’s theme. If you aren’t good at adjusting images or typography, you can hire someone to help you develop a great look for your store. As a former web and graphic designer, I occasionally hire out my services for small jobs like this. Contact me!

2. Develop Your Title

Brick and mortar stores have names, and so do Etsy shops. As you set up your creative business, you will want to choose a name that represents who you are and what you sell. When choosing a title, keep keywords in mind. What words might people type onto a search to find your store? Use one or two of your most relevant keywords in your shop title and you have a better chance of attracting business.

3. Utilize Your Shop Owner Field

On sites like Etsy, a personalized buying experience is truly important. People like to know who they’re buying from. Use the Shop Owner field to upload a picture of yourself and take some time to write a background or history about your creative wares. Personalization helps people connect with you and your products in a way they don’t on Amazon or other online retail stores.

4. Choose a Shop Icon

Etsy offers you the option to upload a photo or image that represents your shop and the products you sell. Use an artsy closeup of your favorite product or an engaging picture of some of your supplies in your workspace. If you already have a company logo, this might be the perfect place for that. The icon you choose will depend on your products and personality. Here’s my Etsy shop icon! 🙂

Fun Crochet Designs on Etsy

5. Featured Queue

Have a few products you really want your visitors to see? Choose a couple of fan favorites that are always top sellers to add to your queue. Or use your queue to make sure that people see your latest listings or newest projects. The queue is prime real estate, the first thing visitors see after they have looked at your banner. This an introduction to your best products. Give them a lineup of items you’re proud of.

6. Use Sections

An organized shop is one that’s fun to browse. Etsy gives you the options to create “sections” in your store. If you sell knitted baby items you might have a section for baby blankets, booties, clothes, hats, and toys. People come to your shop knowing what they’re looking for. They can quickly enter a section of your shop that lists only what they are interested in buying and save time wading through clutter.

7. Bright Photos

Everyone loves a pretty picture. Make your shop beautiful and engaging with gorgeous photos of your products. I admit, this was one of the hardest areas for me to get right, and my photos still aren’t perfect. But my images have improved greatly since I first started selling online. There are lots of articles online that can teach you the basics of lighting, backgrounds, angles, staging, etc. to help you produce enticing photography of your products.

8. Title with Keywords

Setting up your listings is like filling out a form. One of the first fields you’re asked to fill is a title field. The title of your product offers a great opportunity to improve the searchability of your product. You want to choose a title that aptly describes your product and gives the reader a clear picture of what you’re selling. You also want to give them an idea of how to use the product, who might benefit from it, and any special details that might attract interest. The great thing is that Etsy currently gives you up to 140 characters to construct a title, so you can get pretty detailed. Use a mix of single-word descriptors and long-tailed phrases that your feel are the best hope of attracting people to your listing.

9. Choose Tags Wisely

The Tag section of your listings is another place to input keywords or phrases that people will type into Etsy’s search field or other search engines that might lead them back to your listings. You are allowed 13 tags per listing. Sit down and brainstorm a couple dozen words and phrases that people might search to find an item like yours. Use the 13 best in your tags. Using a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner can help you narrow in on the the best SEO terms.

10. Complete, Well-Formatted Descriptions

When I buy online, I want to know exactly what I’m getting. What is the size of the product, it’s primary use, the ideal user. What materials is it made from, and how was it constructed? Give the details in an organized, concise way and aim to help the shopper imagine using this product for themselves. Read tons of descriptions and notice how other people sell their products. You’ll learn to identify strengths and weaknesses in descriptions, and yours will improve as you grow your sales skills. Again, utilize keywords and phrases that you think will lead searches back to your shop and listings.

11. The More Listings, The Better

Etsy does not tell you how many listings you can or should have. You can list one item or you can list hundreds. However, long-time Etsy sellers report that they noticed a distinct bump in traffic when they reached 50 or more listings in their store. Perhaps when you reach that number of listings, Etsy begins to view you as a serious seller and so they send more traffic your way. If you’re just starting out, the thought of setting up 50 or more listings may seem overwhelming. Not to worry, you can do a few at a time and build up your listing inventory over time. Also, you don’t have to create each listing from scratch. You can duplicate similar listings already in your inventory and just change photos and a few relevant details. This makes the process of getting to 50 much easier.

Get 40 Free Etsy listings and become an Etsy Seller today

I can make the cost of adding listings more affordable.
Use my affiliate link to sign up to become an Etsy seller and get 40 free listings.

12. Utilize the Made-To-Order Feature

Maybe you only have 10 items in your craft inventory right now. You’re probably thinking, it will take me months and a lot of money to make 50 of these! Don’t worry. As you make new items, always take pictures of everything you make, even if that item is planned as a gift for a friend and not Etsy. You can list items under a made-to-order label meaning you will only make the item after you have an order and payment for it. This way, you can list pictures of an item that you have made previously and only put together another one if there is a demand. This saves you time and money, as you aren’t making up inventory that is not needed at the moment. Once an item that you have in your physical inventory sells, re-list it as a made-to-order item.

13. Focused, Cohesive Collection of Listings

While you want to have a nice collection of listings for shoppers to browse, you don’t want to throw anything and everything you’ve ever made into your store. A focused and cohesive store is more organized and pleasant to shop, and the stores with a singular focus do the best on Etsy. So if you make and sell door wreaths, you should only sell door wreaths. Maybe you could branch out just a bit into other door decorations, but don’t go too far from that core concept.

Some Etsy sellers have made the mistake of listing every single arts and crafts project they’ve ever made, from crocheting to flower arranging, decoupage and painting, etc. Their store begins to look like a flea market or bazaar … or a bizarre. <Smile> Shoppers don’t know what to make of crazy collections, so they click away. Don’t overwhelm your visitors. Feed them a beautiful, cohesive collection of your creative projects. If you have more than one crafting interest, consider opening a separate store for each.

14. Use Coupons

Etsy offers you the option to set up coupons for your store. People love a sale or a bargain, so take advantage of this aspect of human nature. From time to time, put together a coupon code. Publicize your sale on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and your mailing list. Ask your friends to share the information. Inform your coworkers and family members. Try to get as many people talking and sharing your coupon as possible. Hopefully, the coupon will drive some traffic and sales to your Etsy store.

15. Shop Updates

Through the Etsy App (which is super amazing, by the way. Another article on that coming soon!) you can add shop updates to your Etsy store. You can include a photograph and short description of what’s in the image. This is a great place to feature new listings. You can share about your creative process with “in progress” pictures from your craft room. You can invite them to participate in a sale or use a coupon code. The possibilities are endless. When you post an update, it shows up in the news feed of each person who has liked your shop or favorited an item. Retargeting people who have already expressed an interest in your creative work is genius. Etsy makes it simple, so take advantage of this great feature. Set a schedule and consistently post an update about your shop, listings, and creative pursuits.

So there you have it. 15 adjustments you can make to your Etsy shop that will help attract traffic, improve the shoppers experience, and convert visitors to customers so you increase Etsy sales. Don’t feel like you have to implement them all in one day. Just set a goal to adjust a couple things a week and you’ll have your shop in top condition in no time.





